PostgreSQL-9.6.1 and openjdk-8u91_b14 are installed on my Slackware-14.1
system and I am trying to use schemaSpy_5.0.0.jar on a couple of databases.
I have downloaded postgresql-9.4.1212.jre6.jar but cannot get schemaSpy to
1) Is the -9.4.1212 version of the driver compatible with postgres-9.6.1?
If not, is there a working alternative?
2) My databases are used by only me. All non-postgres-installed databases
are owned by me so neither a username nor a password is required for me to
access them. My login name is used by psql to allow me access. Is the lack
of a password preventing the driver from functioning? If so, is there a way
to inform it that no password is required here?