On Sun, 4 Dec 2016, Martin Collins wrote:
>> The problem with kexi is that it does not run on Microsoft OSes which is
>> what my clients use.
> There is a Windows package in the works, apparently. Version 3 already
> builds on Windows.
However, it is highly unlikely that my clients (all large industrial
companies) would install anything other than what they buy from Microsoft.
Unfortunate, but true.
> Flask has a simple SQLAlchemy wrapper now. It is also based on bootstrap
> though I don't know how the widget set compares with Phoenix,
Based on advice from someone who builds postgres applications for a living
I decided that for my purposes as a non-professional application developer
the most parsimonious approach is to simplify to postgres (model),
wxPython/Phoenix- (view), and Python3 (controller) with SQL embedded
in the appropirate methods. This will result in a stand-alone application
that can be packaged for easy installation and use by clients.
Thanks very much for your suggestions,