Ok, I know this isn't strictly an 'advocacy' issue, but it is something
that could reflect badly upon PG.
In the EnterpriseDB OneClick Windows installer, the password handling does
not work. On the initial password entry, where it says 'if you do not
enter a password, one will be created for you'... if you don't enter a
password, it complains that you didn't enter a password. I deleted the
postgres Windows account from the previous 8.3 install.
Also, after installation, when I try to connect to my new installation
with pgAdminIII, I can't connect... it never sets the 'postgresql' user
password in the database. Or if it does, it doesn't tell me what that
password is. It's not the same as the password entered in the step above.
To connect, I have to edit pg_hba.conf, set localhost auth to 'trust',
change the password, and then reset localhost auth to 'md5'.
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