Hello Andrew,
> Rebased and updated patch attached.
Here is a review of v5, sorry for the delay.
Patch applies cleanly, compiles, "make check" is ok.
I do not see Michaël's issue, and do not see how it could be so, for me
the whole database-specific section generated by the underlying "pg_dump"
call is removed, as expected.
All is well for me, I turned the patch as ready.
While poking around the dump output, I noticed some unrelated points:
* Command "pg_dump" could tell which database is dumped in the output at
the start of the section, eg:
-- PostgreSQL database "foo" dump
Or "pg_dumpall" could issue a comment line in the output telling which
database is being considered.
* The database dumps should have an introductory comment, like there is
one for roles, eg:
-- Databases
* On extensions, the dump creates both the extension and the extension
comment. However, ISTM that the extension comment is already created by
the extension, so this is redundant:
-- Name: pg_dirtyread; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner:
-- Name: EXTENSION pg_dirtyread; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner:
COMMENT ON EXTENSION pg_dirtyread IS 'Read dead but unvacuumed rows from table';
Maybe it should notice that the comment belongs to the extension and need
not be updated?