>>> I'm spending time to try to make something useful of pgbench, which
>>> require a bunch of patches that work together to improve it for new
>>> use case, including not being limited to the current set of operators.
>>> This decision is both illogical and arbitrary.
>> I disagree. I think his decision was probably based on this email from me:
> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CA+Tgmoa0zp4A+S+KosaV4QfDz-wA56vLpH8me86rmpsnkvWc2w@mail.gmail.com
> Nobody responded to that,
The answer is on the same day a direct reply that you can check here:
The short version is: I have removed XOR and replaced "if" with the SQL
CASE syntax, and provided justification for the added operators in a
benchmarking context, i.e. some kind of test is necessary for TPC-B 2.0.0.
For conditions, logical expressions are needed. Bitwise operators are used
to skew distribution in some benchmarks (TPC-C as I recall). Functions
ln/exp could be used for the same purpose, but I can remove those two if
this is a blocker.