Re: Doubt in pgbench TPS number - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Fabien COELHO
Subject Re: Doubt in pgbench TPS number
Msg-id alpine.DEB.2.10.1509290628160.4859@sto
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Doubt in pgbench TPS number  (Tatsuo Ishii <>)
Responses Re: Doubt in pgbench TPS number
List pgsql-hackers
>> (Note: I've not read the patch, so this is not an opinion about its
>> correctness.)
> As Fabien anayzed the problem was that pgbench simply uses wrong
> variable: nthreads (number of threads, specified by "-j" option)
> vs. nclients (number of clients, specified by "-c" option).
> @@ -2616,7 +2616,7 @@ printResults(int ttype, int64 normal_xacts, int nclients,
>     time_include = INSTR_TIME_GET_DOUBLE(total_time);
>     tps_include = normal_xacts / time_include;
>     tps_exclude = normal_xacts / (time_include -
> -                        (INSTR_TIME_GET_DOUBLE(conn_total_time) / nthreads));
> +                        (INSTR_TIME_GET_DOUBLE(conn_total_time) / nclients));
> Here conn_total_time is the sum of time to establish connection to
> PostgreSQL. Since establishing connections to PostgreSQL is done in
> serial rather than in parallel, conn_total_time should have been
> divided by nclients.

After some more thinking and looking again at the connection code, I 
revise slightly my diagnostic:
 - the amount of parallelism is "nclients", as discussed above, when 
reconnecting on each transaction (-C) because the connections are managed 
in parallel from doCustom,

* BUT *
 - if there is no reconnections (not -C) the connections are performed in 
threadRun in a sequential way, all clients wait for the connections of 
other clients in the same thread before starting processing transactions, 
so "nthreads" is the right amount of parallelism in this case.

So on second thought the formula should rather be:
  ...  / (is_connect? nclients: nthreads)

Here is a v2 with this formula. Note that it does not take into account 
thread creation time, which might be significant, the start and end of a 
pgbench run are quite fuzzy.

I've removed the doCustom parameter change as it is included in a larger 
patch I submitted about reworking stat collections in pgbench, so this 
attached patch is bug fix only.

For the record, I still plainly disagree with the idea of shipping a 
performance measuring tool which knowingly displays wrong and optimistic 
figures under some conditions.


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