Re: [PATCH] add --throttle to pgbench (submission 3) - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Fabien COELHO
Subject Re: [PATCH] add --throttle to pgbench (submission 3)
Msg-id alpine.DEB.2.02.1305310938440.31253@localhost6.localdomain6
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In response to Re: [PATCH] add --throttle to pgbench (submission 3)  (Craig Ringer <>)
Responses Re: [PATCH] add --throttle to pgbench (submission 3)
List pgsql-hackers
>> However I'm not sure that pg_stat_replication currently has the
>> necessary information on either side to measure the lag (in time
>> transactions, but how do I know when a transaction was committed? or
>> number of transactions?).
> The BDR codebase now has a handy function to report when a transaction
> was committed, pg_get_transaction_committime(xid) .

This looks handy for monitoring a replication setup.
It should really be in core...

Any plans? Or is there other ways to get this kind of information in core?


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