Re: Draft for basic NUMA observability - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Bertrand Drouvot
Subject Re: Draft for basic NUMA observability
Msg-id Z8ckCRJ/
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Draft for basic NUMA observability  (Jakub Wartak <>)
List pgsql-hackers

On Tue, Mar 04, 2025 at 11:48:31AM +0100, Jakub Wartak wrote:
> Hi!
> On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 4:34 PM Bertrand Drouvot
> <> wrote:
> > I did some tests and it looks like it's giving correct results. I don't see -2
> > anymore and every backend reports correct distribution (with or without hp,
> > with "small" or "large" shared buffer).
> Cool! Attached is v7

Thanks for the new version!

> > === 2
> >
> > +                       if (query_numa)
> > +                       {
> > +                          blk2page = (int) i * pages_per_blk;
> > +                          j = 0;
> > +                          do
> > +                          {
> >
> > This check is done for every page. I wonder if it would not make sense
> > to create a brand new function for pg_buffercache_numa and just let the
> > current pg_buffercache_pages() as it is. That said it would be great to avoid
> > code duplication as much a possible though, maybe using a shared
> > populate_buffercache_entry() or such helper function?
> Well, I've made query_numa a parameter there simply to avoid that code
> duplication in the first place, look at those TupleDescInitEntry()...

Yeah, that's why I was mentioning to use a "shared" populate_buffercache_entry()
or such function: to put the "duplicated" code in it and then use this
shared function in pg_buffercache_pages() and in the new numa related one.

> IMHO rarely anybody uses pg_buffercache, but we could add unlikely()

I think unlikely() should be used for optimization based on code path likelihood,
not based on how often users might use a feature.

> > === 5
> >
> > Could we also avoid some code duplication with pg_get_shmem_allocations()?
> Not sure I understand do you want to avoid code duplication
> pg_get_shmem_allocations() vs pg_get_shmem_numa_allocations() or
> pg_get_shmem_numa_allocations() vs pg_buffercache_pages(query_numa =
> true) ?

I meant to say avoid code duplication between pg_get_shmem_allocations() and
pg_get_shmem_numa_allocations(). It might be possible to create a shared 
function for them too. That said, it looks like that the savings (if any), would
not be that much, so maybe just forget about it.


Bertrand Drouvot
PostgreSQL Contributors Team
RDS Open Source Databases
Amazon Web Services:

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