Re: "alter sequence" equivilant in 7.2? - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Shea Martin
Subject Re: "alter sequence" equivilant in 7.2?
Msg-id Xc9zc.754252$Ig.282651@pd7tw2no
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List pgsql-general
Shea Martin wrote:
> I am moving my database from a machine running 7.4 to a machine running
> 7.2.  My sequences are not out of wack, is there a way to set the
> current value of a sequence? I though ALTER SEQUENCE would work but it
> does not exist in version 7.2.
> Thanks,
> ~S

I honestly did to google before posting the above.  But couldn't find anything.
  But I just found this, which did exactly what I wanted:


select setvalue('post_id_seq', 234134);


pgsql-general by date:

From: "Stanislaw Tristan"
Subject: Limit connections per user
From: Shea Martin
Subject: "alter sequence" equivilant in 7.2?