With master (3dbb317d32f4f084ef7badaed8ef36f5c9b85fe6) I'm getting this:
visena=# CREATE INDEX origo_email_part_hdrvl_value_idx ON public.origo_email_part_headervalue USING btree (lower(substr((header_value)::text, 0, 1000)) varchar_pattern_ops);
psql: ERROR: failed to add item to the index page
The schema looks like this:
create table origo_email_part_headervalue
( entity_id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, version int8 not null, header_value varchar NOT NULL, header_id int8 references origo_email_part_header (entity_id),
value_index int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE (header_id, value_index)
CREATE INDEX origo_email_part_hdrvl_hdr_id_idx ON origo_email_part_headervalue (header_id);
CREATE INDEX origo_email_part_hdrvl_value_idx ON origo_email_part_headervalue (lower(substr(header_value, 0, 1000)) varchar_pattern_ops);
(haven't tried any other version so I'm not sure when this started to happen)
Andreas Joseph Krogh