On 03/05/2015 11:45 AM, Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm facing a problem with my current schema for email where folders
> start containing several 100K of messages and count(*) in them taks
> noticeable time. This schema is accessible from IMAP and a web-app so
> lots of queries of the type "list folders with message count" are performed.
> So, I'm toying with this idea of caching the message-count in the
> folder-table itself.
> I currently have this:
> CREATE or replace FUNCTIONcount_increment_tf()RETURNS TRIGGER AS$_$
> UPDATE folder SETmessage_count =message_count + 1 WHEREid =NEW.folder_id;
> END $_$LANGUAGE'plpgsql';
> CREATE or replace FUNCTIONcount_decrement_tf()RETURNS TRIGGER AS$_$
> UPDATE folder SETmessage_count =message_count - 1 WHEREid =OLD.folder_id;
> END $_$LANGUAGE'plpgsql';
> CREATE or replace FUNCTIONcount_update_tf()RETURNS TRIGGER AS$_$
> UPDATE folder SETmessage_count =message_count - 1 WHEREid =OLD.folder_id;
> UPDATE folder SETmessage_count =message_count + 1 WHEREid =NEW.folder_id;
> END $_$LANGUAGE'plpgsql';
> CREATE TRIGGERincrement_folder_msg_tAFTER INSERT ON message FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDUREcount_increment_tf();
> CREATE TRIGGERdecrement_folder_msg_tAFTER DELETE ON message FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDUREcount_decrement_tf();
> CREATE TRIGGERupdate_folder_msg_tAFTER UPDATE ON message FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDUREcount_update_tf();
> The problem with this is locking (waiting for another TX to commit when
> updating the same folder) and deadlock issues when trying to
> simultaneously insert/delete/update messages in a folder.
> Does anyone have any better ideas for safely caching the message-count
> in each folder without locking and deadlock issues?
How accurate does this have to be?
Not exactly following what is folder?
Is it a table that contains the messages?
A top of the head idea would be to use sequences. Create a sequence for
each folder starting at current count and then use nextval, setval to
change the value:
It is not transactional, so it would probably not be spot on, which is
why I asked about accuracy earlier.
Yes, 'folder' is a table which contains 'message':
create table folder( id serial PRIMARY KEY, name varchar not null unique, message_count integer not null default 0
create table message( id serial PRIMARY KEY, folder_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES folder(id), message varchar not null
The count has to be exact, no estimate from EXPLAIN or such...
Andreas Joseph Krogh
CTO / Partner - Visena AS
Mobile: +47 909 56 963