Re: Detecting repeated phrase in a string - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Andreas Joseph Krogh
Subject Re: Detecting repeated phrase in a string
Msg-id VisenaEmail.50.2affbb94dee70e79.17d9fba1d20@tc7-visena
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In response to Re: Detecting repeated phrase in a string  (Shaozhong SHI <>)
Responses Re: Detecting repeated phrase in a string
List pgsql-general
På torsdag 09. desember 2021 kl. 15:46:05, skrev Shaozhong SHI <>:
Hi, Peter,
How to define word boundary as either by using
^  , space, or $
So that the following can be done
fox fox is a repeat
foxfox is not a repeat but just one word.
Do you want repeated phrase (list of words) ore repeated words?
For repeated words (including unicode-chars) you can do:
I'm not quite sure how to translate this to PG, but in JAVA it works.
Andreas Joseph Krogh
CTO / Partner - Visena AS
Mobile: +47 909 56 963

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