Re: 1 to many relationships - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Dennis Gearon
Subject Re: 1 to many relationships
Msg-id QPYXWT853HFJFTRUPQOYT83S9323Z.3e590da6@cal-lab
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: 1 to many relationships  (Dima Tkach <>)
List pgsql-general
??????? ???????, ????!
Bolshoi Spaciba, Dima,
thank you very  much Dima!

I will reply to your other letter later today.

2/23/2003 9:30:40 AM, Dima Tkach <> wrote:

>You cannot do that with 'standard' sql.
>The problem is that when you are deleting a child, there is no simple
>way tell whether it was the last entry remaining that still references
>the parent...
>You can create a custom trigger on the child table, that would do what
>you want...
>I don't know the syntax of plpgslq (normally write stuff like that in
>C), so I cannot juts give you the sample code... But the idea is
>something like
>create function cascade_on_parent () returns opaque as '
>delete from parent where prikey=old.parent and
>not exists (select 1 from child where parent=old.parent limit 1);
>return null;
>' language 'plpgsql';
>And then you do
>create constraint trigger cascade_parent after delete or update on child
>initially deferred for each row execute procedure cascade_on_parent ();
>I hope, it helps...
>Dennis Gearon wrote:
>> If I have a child table and a parent table like so:
>> ---BEGIN TABLE DEFS---------------------------------------------
>> create table parents(
>>     PriKey serial
>> );
>> add primary constraint to PriKey;
>> create table child(
>>     parent INT4 NOT NULL
>> );
>> add foreign key constraint parent refs parent.PriKey ON DELETE CASCADE;
>> ---BEGIN RELATIONSHIP DEF----------------------------------------
>> They are supposed to have the following relationship:
>>     parent(1T1)<------->(1TM)children
>> textually explained as 'One parent has many children and must have at
>> least one in order to exist, while a child must have one and only one
>> parent in order to exist')
>> ---BEGIN PROBLEM DEF / QUESTION --------=------------------------
>> For the 1T1 side of the relationship:
>>     the table defs will automatically cause the children to be caught or
>> killed in the event that their parents disappear, no prob.
>> For the 1TM side of the relationship:
>>     I don't see anything in the docs that says the PARENT will be
>> sacrificed if their children don't survive or disappear, and I don't
>> even know if there exists in any database the table definition option to
>> enforce this.
>> How is this done on different DB's? On Postgres?
>> ---BEGIN GUESS---------------------------------------------------
>> Triggers?
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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