Dear Tom,
On Tue, 6 Nov 2007, Tom Lane wrote:
> Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2007 10:05:58 -0500
> From: Tom Lane <>
> To:
> Cc: Heikki Linnakangas <>,
> Rick Gigger <>,
> pgsql-hackers list <>
> Subject: Re: [HACKERS] should I worry?
> writes:
> > IIUC, I have drop every trigger like this :
> > SELECT t.tgname, c.relname, tgconstrname FROM pg_trigger t, pg_class c
> > WHERE t.tgrelid = c.oid AND tgname like 'RI_ConstraintTrigger_%'AND
> > tgconstrname = '<unnamed>';
> > and I delete all those ancient foreign key WITHOUT disturbing any others
> > Is that right?
> Not necessarily --- are you sure you don't have any real constraints
> named "<unnamed>"?
> However, if you do, the DROP TRIGGER command will just fail, so maybe
> you don't need to bother with looking into pg_depend for yourself.
> regards, tom lane
Thanks to your last sentence, I ended up with the rather crude script
below that works for me (expect a lot of errors)
for s in `psql -t ${DBNAME} << EOD
SELECT 'DROP TRIGGER "' || t.tgname || '" ON ' || c.relname || ';'
FROM pg_trigger t, pg_class c
WHERE t.tgrelid = c.oid AND tgname like 'RI_ConstraintTrigger_%'
echo $s
done|psql ${DBNAME}
Could maybe help others like me....
What's your opinion?
Olivier PRENANT Tel: +33-5-61-50-97-00 (Work)
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Make your life a dream, make your dream a reality. (St Exupery)