I'm not sure what dependencies the RH-provided PG RPM's have, but I've had
no problems whatsoever installing a series of PG-sourced RPM's from 8.1 on
up to 8.2.3, on CentOS 4 (which is binary-compatible with RHEL4).
Actually, there is one minor glitch; some apps that use PG require an
older version of libpq, but the Postgres website provides a "compat
postgreql libs" for this purpose.
In any case, if you are using the PG-supplied RPM's and you know you're
installing everything, simply run RPM like so:
rpm -i --nodeps postgres-whatever.rpm
I usually use OS-vendor supplied RPMS for things like Apache, except in
cases where the project-supplied RPM's have additional features over and
above the RHEL/CentOS RPM's. Things like Postgres and Python fall under
this category.
On Tue, 20 Mar 2007, David Bear wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2007 at 09:06:35PM -0400, Joshua Kramer wrote:
>> David,
>>> I'm getting really mad at RHEL 4. They do not package a recent
>>> postgres in the base distro, and only put 8.1.x in a disk call
>>> lamp-beta... So now I wonder what a 'recommended' way of running
>>> postgresql is -- meaning, any linux distro will do, just build it --
>> Why not just download the RHEL4 packages from the Postgres mirrors? PG
>> runs fine for me in that manner, on CentOS-4 (a RHEL rebuild).
> Thought of that and then wondered if I would face the same dependancy
> issues that using the rpms from redhat gave me. Do you know if redhat
> just redistributed the pg rpms? Or, do these rpms actually include
> depndancy resolution? For example, trying to install the rpm from
> redhat I get a failed dependance for libpq.so.4 --- but I have no idea
> what package redhat would have put libpq in... and so it goes. Where
> should I spend time? Tracking down dependancies? Or finding a better
> host operating system -- at least one packaged with things the pg
> needs.
>> Cheers,
>> -J
> --
> David Bear
> phone: 602-496-0424
> fax: 602-496-0955
> College of Public Programs/ASU
> University Center Rm 622
> 411 N Central
> Phoenix, AZ 85007-0685
> "Beware the IP portfolio, everyone will be suspect of trespassing"