Francois Suter writes:
> 1) I noticed that for long messages the structure is geneally the
> following:
> msgid ""
> "some long message here"
That's not problem. The strings are concatenated just like C strings
(that is, without any extra newlines introduced).
> 2) how do you update .po files? I mean how do you proceed when the
> original .pot file changed (say psql.pot) and you want to update your
> localized version (say psql-fr.po) to find the differences? Is there a
> utility to do this automatically?
Within the PostgreSQL source tree, you run "make update-po LANGUAGES=fr"
in the directory of interest (e.g., src/bin/psql) (or leave off LANGUAGES
to do for all languages, but that is typically not of interest). Check
the output to see what commands are run by make. See also the
explanations on <>.
Peter Eisentraut