Re: Triggers, functions and column names: a poser - Mailing list pgsql-general
From | Gurunandan R. Bhat |
Subject | Re: Triggers, functions and column names: a poser |
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Msg-id | Pine.LNX.4.33.0111170917140.1475-100000@suman.greenfields.universe Whole thread Raw |
In response to | Triggers, functions and column names: a poser (Grant Table <>) |
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Re: Triggers, functions and column names: a poser
List | pgsql-general |
On Sat, 17 Nov 2001, Grant Table wrote: > > here's a nice trigger problem for the weekend ;-) > > Specifically, for certain tables on INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE I > want to write the following to a seperate logging table: > the name of the table (relation); the action performed; > the primary key of the row affected; and a timestamp. > > Rather than create a seperate RULE for each action on > each table (pain to maintain) I would like to create a > PL/PgSQL function to be called by triggers for the relevant tables. Hi, I had just written one such beast recently which in addition to what you want also writes the values of the updated/inserted fields as a serialised string. I wrote this primarily to replicate two databases with a perlscript that reads this "logtable" and then talks to a remote database with an expect-send sequence. I am currently writing an article describing this which I was planning to submit to the site. IAC here's the code. I have also included the droptrigger utility which well .. drops the triggers should something bad happen. Hope you find this useful. -- Setuptriggers drop function setuptriggers(); create function setuptriggers() returns int as ' declare fbui text; fbdel text; tbui text; tbdel text; tresult record; cresult record; pkeyname name; typename name; dropname name; dummy record; begin for tresult in select * from pg_class where relkind = ''r'' and relname !~ ''^pg_'' and relname !~ ''^Inv'' and relname !~ ''^pga_'' order by relname loop select into pkeyname c.attname from pg_class a, pg_index b, pg_attribute c where a.relname = tresult.relname and a.oid = b.indrelid and a.oid = c.attrelid and b.indkey[0] = c.attnum and b.indisprimary=''t''; if pkeyname is not null and tresult.relname != ''logtable'' and tresult.relname !~ ''^web_'' then fbui := '' create function logui_'' || quote_ident(tresult.relname) || ''() returns opaque as '''' declare serialized text; currtime timestamp; separator text; op integer; begin currtime := ''''''''now''''''''; separator := chr(178); if TG_OP = ''''''''INSERT'''''''' then op := 1; else if TG_OP = ''''''''UPDATE'''''''' then op := 2; end if; end if; serialized := ''''''''''''''''; ''; for cresult in select * from pg_class a, pg_attribute b where a.relname = tresult.relname and a.oid = b.attrelid and b.attnum > 0 order by b.attnum loop select into typename aa.typname from pg_type aa, pg_attribute bb, pg_class cc where bb.attname = cresult.attname and bb.atttypid = aa.oid and bb.attrelid = cc.oid and cc.relname = tresult.relname; if typename !~ ''^bool'' then fbui := fbui || '' if NEW.'' || quote_ident(cresult.attname) || '' is not null then serialized := serialized || separator || '''''''''' || quote_ident(cresult.attname) || ''=''''''''|| NEW.'' || quote_ident(cresult.attname) || ''; end if; ''; else fbui := fbui || '' if NEW.'' || quote_ident(cresult.attname) || '' is not null then serialized := serialized || separator || '''''''''' || quote_ident(cresult.attname) || ''=''''''''|| case when NEW.'' || quote_ident(cresult.attname) || '' then ''''''''TRUE'''''''' else ''''''''FALSE''''''''end; end if; ''; end if; end loop; fbui := fbui || '' insert into logtable (keyid, tablename, pkeyname, value, updatetime, status) values(NEW.''|| quote_ident(pkeyname) || '', '''''''''' || quote_ident(tresult.relname) || '''''''''', '''''''''' || quote_ident(pkeyname)|| '''''''''', serialized, currtime, op); return new; end;'''' language ''''plpgsql'''';''; dropname := ''logui_'' || tresult.relname; select into dummy * from pg_proc where proname = dropname and pronargs = 0; if found then fbui := ''drop function '' || quote_ident(dropname) || ''(); '' || fbui; end if; execute fbui; fbdel := '' create function logdel_'' || quote_ident(tresult.relname) || ''() returns opaque as '''' declare currtime timestamp; begin currtime := ''''''''now''''''''; insert into logtable (keyid, tablename, pkeyname, value, updatetime, status) values (OLD.''|| quote_ident(pkeyname)|| '', '''''''''' || quote_ident(tresult.relname) || '''''''''', '''''''''' || quote_ident(pkeyname)|| '''''''''', NULL, currtime, 3); return old; end;'''' language ''''plpgsql'''';''; dropname := ''logdel_'' || tresult.relname; select into dummy * from pg_proc where proname = dropname and pronargs = 0; if found then fbdel := ''drop function '' || quote_ident(dropname) || ''(); '' || fbdel; end if; execute fbdel; tbui := ''create trigger fui_'' || quote_ident(tresult.relname) || '' before insert or update on '' ||quote_ident(tresult.relname) || '' for each row execute procedure logui_'' || quote_ident(tresult.relname) || ''();''; dropname := ''fui_'' || tresult.relname; select into dummy * from pg_trigger where tgname = dropname; if found then tbui := ''drop trigger '' || quote_ident(dropname) || '' on '' || quote_ident(tresult.relname) || ''; '' || tbui; end if; execute tbui; tbdel := ''create trigger fd_'' || quote_ident(tresult.relname) || '' before delete on '' || quote_ident(tresult.relname)|| '' for each row execute procedure logdel_'' || quote_ident(tresult.relname) || ''();''; dropname := ''fd_'' || tresult.relname; select into dummy * from pg_trigger where tgname = dropname; if found then tbdel := ''drop trigger '' || quote_ident(dropname) || '' on '' || quote_ident(tresult.relname) || ''; '' || tbdel; end if; execute tbdel; end if; end loop; return 1; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- Drop triggers drop function droptriggers(); create function droptriggers() returns int as ' declare tresult record; dropname name; dropcommand text; dummy record; begin for tresult in select * from pg_class where relkind = ''r'' and relname !~ ''^pg_'' and relname !~ ''^Inv'' and relname !~ ''^pga_'' order by relname loop dropname := ''logui_'' || tresult.relname; select into dummy * from pg_proc where proname = dropname and pronargs = 0; if found then dropcommand := ''drop function '' || quote_ident(dropname) || ''()''; raise notice ''Executing %'',dropcommand; execute dropcommand; end if; dropname := ''logdel_'' || tresult.relname; select into dummy * from pg_proc where proname = dropname and pronargs = 0; if found then dropcommand := ''drop function '' || quote_ident(dropname) || ''()''; raise notice ''Executing %'',dropcommand; execute dropcommand; end if; dropname := ''fui_'' || tresult.relname; select into dummy * from pg_trigger where tgname = dropname; if found then dropcommand := ''drop trigger '' || quote_ident(dropname) || '' on '' || quote_ident(tresult.relname); raise notice ''Executing %'',dropcommand; execute dropcommand; end if; dropname := ''fd_'' || tresult.relname; select into dummy * from pg_trigger where tgname = dropname; if found then dropcommand := ''drop trigger '' || quote_ident(dropname) || '' on '' || quote_ident(tresult.relname); raise notice ''Executing %'',dropcommand; execute dropcommand; end if; end loop; return 1; end;' language 'plpgsql';
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