Hunter Hillegas writes:
> cc -traditional-cpp -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations
> -bundle -undefined suppress -bundle -undefined suppress fe-auth.o
> fe-connect.o fe-exec.o fe-misc.o fe-print.o fe-lobj.o pqexpbuffer.o dllist.o
> pqsignal.o -o
> /usr/bin/ld: -undefined error must be used when -twolevel_namespace is in
> effect
> make[3]: *** [] Error 1
I don't use MacOS X, but I'm positive there are people who have previously
used PostgreSQL on MacOS X successfully. So please consider the
possibility that you have something unusual (newer/older/different) in
your setup.
However, I'm pretty sure that the Darwin shared library support in
PostgreSQL is broken. In particular, Darwin uses two different file
formats for linkable shared libraries and dynamically openable modules,
yet PostgreSQL uses the same commands to build both kinds. So right now
you might be better off configuring with --disable-shared.
Unfortunately, I don't know if that option actually works. :-(
Peter Eisentraut