Hiroshi Inoue writes:
> > An operator class text_binary_ops that does memcmp()-based comparison of
> > text data. The operators are named $<$ etc. for lack of a better idea.
> > That lack is further illustrated by the idea to name them "binary-<" etc.,
> > which wouldn't get through the parser, but it doesn't need to.
> >
> > The system will use such an index for the queries in question if the
> > locale is not "like-safe", in the terminology of the code (I'll end up
> > renaming that a little).
> This depends on the assumption that '=' is equivalent in
> any locale. Is it guaranteed ?
> For example, ( 'a' = 'A' ) isn't allowed in any locale ?
The whole point here is not to rely on '='. Instead we use a different
opclass which does "locale-safe" comparisons, as said above.
Peter Eisentraut peter_e@gmx.net http://funkturm.homeip.net/~peter