Re: OIDs - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Peter Eisentraut
Subject Re: OIDs
Msg-id Pine.LNX.4.30.0107111657470.679-100000@peter.localdomain
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: OIDs  ("Kapil Tilwani" <>)
List pgsql-general
Kapil Tilwani writes:

> I would like to make it impossible to be traced as to which record came in
> first and which next, however, being sequential reveal that...  How should I
> ensure this?

If you want cryptographic security you will need to use advanced
algorithms to shuffle your data.  In almost any advanced storage system,
data records will be numbered or incrementally arranged as they come in.
Even if you eliminated the oids (which you could just set to random values
if you wanted), there are still transaction ids and tuple ids, which you
won't be able to get rid of.

Peter Eisentraut

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