Denis A. Doroshenko writes:
> first, i would like to know all limitations (or call it parameters) of
> PostgreSQL 7 (i use 7.0.2). that includes for example, number of
> columns in a row, number of rows in a table, number of triggers,
> indexes per table.
See FAQ. (Anything not mentioned there is relatively unlimited.)
> does PoestgreSQL support stored procedures? and will it do, if
> it isn't. i could not find any reference on this in docs/htmls...
We have user-defined functions, but they can only return one value, which
is unlike what most people expect.
> BTW, about "will it support", is there some roadmap for PostgreSQL?
> i've looked at TODO, but hmm :-) it's more detailed than i need...
Mostly, we just implement what we feel like. Stored procedure support is
high on many people's lists though.
> does PostgreSQL support object naming as "[[[server.]dbname.]
> owner.]objectname"?
> how could i restrict a user from looking what tables are in database
> as well as what their structures are.
You can't.
> also, could anybody point me to the latest SQL standard (SQL92)?
The latest standard is SQL99 and you can buy it from your local ISO
approved standardization organization. But reading it is not a pleasant
experience; you better buy a book.
> P.S. why whole world pronounces 'SQL' like 'esquel', while, AFAIK,
> IBM proposed it to be pronounced as 'seequel'? :-)
Who cares about IBM? If they wanted to have it pronounced 'seequel' they
should have named it 'seequel'. :-)
Oh, and on the "whole world" scale I think "ess-queue-ell" (or local
tongue variations) wins hand down.
Peter Eisentraut