On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Bruce Tong wrote:
> I feel like such a bone-head asking this question, but I didn't find the
> answer in the FAQ or the documentation, other than pgaccess is supposed to
> have some of this functionality...
> How do I import/export comma delimited tables?
> I thought a combination of pg_dump and psql might do it, but if so I must
> have missed it. I saw a mention of it for pgaccess, but I'm looking for
> something I can put in a shell script.
> --
> Bruce Tong | Got me an office; I'm there late at night.
If you're after changing the field separator, psql has a \f command.
You could do something like:
$ psql -e <dbname> < out.sql > dump
where out.sql looks like:
\f ,
-- some select statements go here
SELECT foo FROM bar;
-- EOF
A method for importing would be similar.
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Simon Drabble It's like karma for your brain.