Re: order of database modifications in a single transaction - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Dennis Gearon
Subject Re: order of database modifications in a single transaction
Msg-id L08ZTNM93OIQNB721297NMT1TTNTP.3e5a4e56@cal-lab
Whole thread Raw
In response to order of database modifications in a single transaction  (Dennis Gearon <>)
Responses Re: order of database modifications in a single transaction
List pgsql-general
No one going to bite on this? Any developers have any idea what goes on in the code for

2/23/2003 10:44:49 PM, Dennis Gearon <> wrote:

>Can it be assumed that the database will try to commit all the updates,
>deletes, and inserts in the order they are submitted during a single
>transaction for the sake of planning trigger firing order? In the
>following scenarios?
>    A/ From within a procedure run from the command shell or a external
>    B/ From withing a procedure from the command line.
>    C/ with Autocommit off and within Begin and end blocks of a
>Is this a general assumption possible with all transaction supporting
>databases, that at the moment of commitment a single transaction, the
>database modifications in that transactions will be popped from a queue
>FIFO and committed individually in order?
>Also, when one transaction is committing does it own that bottleneck
>blocking other transactions from committing until the whole queue of DB
>modifications in the current committing transaction are done? I.E. it
>gets a semaphore for the commitment functionality? ( I guess I could
>have worded that to say, is the commitment phase of a transaction atomic
>relative to other pending transactions? )
>Carpe Dancem ;-)
>Remember your friends while they are alive
>                         Sincerely, Dennis Gearon
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