7/22/03 3:32:03 PM, Andrew Sullivan <andrew@libertyrms.info> wrote:
>On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 06:11:15PM -0400, Renney Thomas wrote:
>> I am having a hard time selecting a Replication/Failover/HA solution for
>> PGSQL. What is troubling is the number of solutions available in various
>> states of development. Does the fact that dbmirror and rserv appear in
>> the contrib directory, mean that they should be looked upon with more
>> legitimacy? Any suggestions?
>Some code that descended from rserv is about to be released to the
>community. We use it today in production. It's pretty rough around
>the edges, and it depends on Java, if you can stand that, but it's
>definitely battle-tested.
Sorry -- by "production", what release version do you mean?
>Andrew Sullivan 204-4141 Yonge Street
>Liberty RMS Toronto, Ontario Canada
><andrew@libertyrms.info> M2P 2A8
> +1 416 646 3304 x110
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