> Hello all,
> I am currently starting up a pilot project to demonstrate the power of
> the linux/postgres/php trio in an enterprise setting.
> I would like to be able to output graphs from data stored in a
> postgres
> table for viewing on a web browser as a means of data presentation.
> Could anyone give me some suggestions as to what the best approach
> would
> be to achieve this.
I personally would use PHP (http://www.php.net/) to accomplish this
goal. The PHP project has a GD interface which allows you to
dynamically create images. You could also generate the graph using
gnuplot and display the image using PHP. You can find a graphing
example at http://phplib.shonline.de/ (get PHPLIB-6). It also has some
fairly good session management and form management routines. I'm not
sure if they are including a db_pgsql.inc, but I've made my own (this
will make more since as you look at PHPLIB). Let me know if you have
any questions.
> Regards
> Lincoln Spiteri
> STMicroelectronics (Malta)