>> You either need to modify the JDBC driver code to make it proxy aware
>> (see my original post for the source code on how) or you need to provide
>> your own implementation for the standard SocketFactory, via
>> Socket.setSocketImplFactory(SocketImplFactory fac), and provide your
>> proxy connection code here.
> I'm wondering if the JDBC driver could use a factory arg for the
> regular socket factory, like it has for SSLSocketFactory with
> "sslfactory". That'd make this, and other situations using proxies with
> weird auth schemes, various tunneling systems, etc much easier to use
> without JDBC driver mods or changing system-wide behaviour for
> potentially unrelated socket-using operations.
As you stated is it would be very similar code to what is in place for the
SSL SocketFactory scenario.
So IMO I think it would be useful.