My customer uses PostgreSQL on Windows and hits the problem that following log is written to the server logs too
frequently(250 thousand times per day).
"LOG: could not reserve shared memory region (addr=%p) for child %p:"
This log is written when pgwin32_ReserveSharedMemoryRegion() in win32_shmem.c fails. If fails, internal_forkexec() in
postmaster.cretries up to 100 times. In most of my customer cases, internal_forkexec() finally succeeded to
pgwin32_ReserveSharedMemoryRegion()by retrying.
According to the comment of internal_forkexec(), pgwin32_ReserveSharedMemoryRegion() sometimes fails if ASLR is active.
Ifso, I think administrators are not interested in this log since it is a normal event.
I think the log level should not be "LOG", but should be lower level such as "DEBUG1".
Ryohei Takahashi