I am first time using the date type in the jdbc or potgreSQL in general. One field of a DB table is the date type. In a
query string I have:
INSERT INTO account(firstname, status, userid,addr1,addr2,city,province,postcode,email,phone, cellphone, rdate,
notes, lastname) VALUES ('John', 'n', 'rt', ' 340 Road', 'suite 201', 'mycity', 'wa', '98034', '34@32.com',
'111-222-3333', 'Mon Jun 10 08:42:06 SGT 2002', 'NA', 'familyname')
And I get the error message java.sql.SQLException: ERROR: Bad date external representation 'Mon Jun 10 08:4
2:06 SGT 2002'.
I use the java.util.date to create a new date instance to convert to string. What is the right way to get the date
Thanks in advance.