I use Row Versioning to get around this (my thanks to who ever put that in).
You'll need to re-link as it adds in the xmin field. Access will then use
the Primary Key and xmin in its where clause to identify the row.
Hope this helps,
- Stuart
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Calabrese [SMTP:m2calabr@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 11:03 PM
> To: pgsql-odbc@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: Float Percision with MS Access 97
> I am sorry, but I guess I did not make my question
> clear. I am not looking for greater backend precision
> (ie moving to float8). There seems to be a
> mis-comunication between Access and postgres with
> float4.
> Access is seeing the number with fewer digits than
> want must be in postgres. If I do a :
> UPDATE Parts SET Count = round(Count,4);
> Then the access query from my first email will work.
> This is a pain right now because my users will get a
> write conflict error, call me, I will find the
> offending field, do and Update with the round(x,4),
> then it will work.
> I could fix it by putting round(x,4) with all float
> fields, but this seems like a poor fix.
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