Dear colleagues,
Besides I am new to Postgres, I am new to linux too.
I have a sh-script which run pg_dump by hand successfully. But
I have no results when I run this script using crontab. I haven't got
any error log.
Please, help me.
Here is my sh-script:
$PG_BIN/pg_dump -f $BACKUP_DEST/`date +%d%m%Y`_cspb.dmp dbname
PG_VERSION contains 7.0.
File HISTORY contains "Release 7.0.3".
I have a single version of Postgres, so pg_dump
is the same version.
I connect to linux as user "oracle". He has an access to
database "dbname" and can SELECT data using psql. As far as
I remember, I create this database as user "oracle".
I usually start postmaster as user "oracle".
And I edit crontab as "oracle".
As "oracle", I can run this shell script by hand and get a good
dump file.
But I get nothing if I run it using cron.
I think, may be oracle pg_dump can't find database
"dbname" when it runs by crontab ?