I am having a problem dividing a sum by a count and end up with zero, however I am able to multiply, subtract and add.
Here are samples of the two views:
View that groups individuals into specific groups by numbers:
SUM(CASE when indiv_total_lbs <= 50 then 1 else 0 end) as "0_50",
SUM(CASE when indiv_total_lbs <= 100 AND indiv_total_lbs > 50 then 1 else 0 end) as "51_100", etc.
FROM wr_harvest.sh_sum_by_harvestor
View that gathers overall stats:
AVG (indiv_total_trips) AS ave_no_trips, etc.
COUNT(DISTINCT x) AS no_harvestors, etc.
FROM wr_harvest.sh_sum_by_harvestor
I want to find the percent of individuals in each catagory from the first view.
a."0_50"/b.no_harvestors *100 AS "0_50percent",
a."51_100"/b.no_harvestors *100 AS "51_100percent", etc
FROM wr_harvest.sh_distribution_stats_no as a, wr_harvest.sh_harvestor_stats as b
I am able to add, subtract and mulitply the values with the correct outcomes, but every time I try to divide the two numbers I end in zero.
What am I doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Miigwech in advance!