Re: libpq compression (part 3) - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Jacob Burroughs
Subject Re: libpq compression (part 3)
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: libpq compression (part 3)  (Jacob Champion <>)
List pgsql-hackers
On Tue, May 21, 2024 at 1:24 PM Jacob Champion
<> wrote:
> We absolutely have to document the risks and allow clients to be
> written safely. But I think server-side controls on risky behavior
> have proven to be generally more valuable, because the server
> administrator is often in a better spot to see the overall risks to
> the system. ("No, you will not use deprecated ciphersuites. No, you
> will not access this URL over plaintext. No, I will not compress this
> response containing customer credit card numbers, no matter how nicely
> you ask.") There are many more clients than servers, so it's less
> risky for the server to enforce safety than to hope that every client
> is safe.
> Does your database and access pattern regularly mingle secrets with
> public data? Would auditing correct client use of compression be a
> logistical nightmare? Do your app developers keep indicating in
> conversations that they don't understand the risks at all? Cool, just
> set `encrypted_compression = nope_nope_nope` on the server and sleep
> soundly at night. (Ideally we would default to that.)

Thinking about this more (and adding a encrypted_compression GUC or
whatever), I think my inclination would on the server-side default
enable compression for insecure connections but default disable for
encrypted connections, but both would be config parameters that can be
changed as desired.

> The concept of stream reset seems necessary but insufficient at the
> application level, which bleeds over into Jelte's compression_restart
> proposal. (At the protocol level, I think it may be sufficient?)
> If I write a query where one of the WHERE clauses is
> attacker-controlled and the other is a secret, I would really like to
> not compress that query on the client side. If I join a table of user
> IDs against a table of user-provided addresses and a table of
> application tokens for that user, compressing even a single row leaks
> information about those tokens -- at a _very_ granular level -- and I
> would really like the server not to do that.
> So if I'm building sand castles... I think maybe it'd be nice to mark
> tables (and/or individual columns?) as safe for compression under
> encryption, whether by row or in aggregate. And maybe libpq and psql
> should be able to turn outgoing compression on and off at will.
> And I understand those would balloon the scope of the feature. I'm
> worried I'm doing the security-person thing and sucking all the air
> out of the room. I know not everybody uses transport encryption; for
> those people, compress-it-all is probably a pretty winning strategy,
> and there's no need to reset the compression context ever. And the
> pg_dump-style, "give me everything" use case seems like it could maybe
> be okay, but I really don't know how to assess the risk there, at all.

I would imagine that a large volume of uses of postgres are in
contexts (e.g. internal networks) where either no encryption is used
or even when encryption is used the benefit of compression vs the risk
of someone being a position to perform a BREACH-style sidechannel
attack against DB traffic is sufficiently high that compress-it-all
would be be quite useful in many cases.  Would some sort of
per-table/column marking be useful for some cases?  Probably, but that
doesn't seem to me like it needs to be in v1 of this feature as long
as the protocol layer itself is designed such that parties can
arbitrarily alternate between transmitting compressed and uncompressed
data.  Then if we build such a feature down the road we just add logic
around *when* we compress but the protocol layer doesn't change.

> Well... working out the security minutiae _after_ changing the
> protocol is not historically a winning strategy, I think. Better to do
> it as a vertical stack.

Thinking about it more, I agree that we probably should work out the
protocol level mechanism for resetting compression
context/enabling/disabling/reconfiguring compression as part of this
work.  I don't think that we need to have all the ways that the
application layer might choose to use such things done here, but we
should have all the necessary primitives worked out.

Jacob Burroughs | Staff Software Engineer

pgsql-hackers by date:

From: Nathan Bossart
Subject: Re: problems with "Shared Memory and Semaphores" section of docs
From: Jacob Champion
Subject: Re: libpq compression (part 3)