This may not be your problem, but thought I'd mention it since I had the
problem installing on a remote windows server.
If you are trying to install via Terminal services, there is a documented
issue that it can't do an init in regular mode. You have to connect to the
terminal services in console mode
mstsc /console
The below link has other known documented issues with installing on Windows.
Probably good to go thru the list if you haven't already.
-----Original Message-----
From: frank church []
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 7:51 AM
Subject: [pgsql-hackers-win32] Manual installation of PostgreSQL 8
I have tried the pginstaller a number of times on my system and it always
ends in failure.
I have seen a setup file on the pgfoundry site that allows manual
Is there some documentation for it?
I also sw some instructions for a silent installation - are they 2 options
the same?
I have been able to install cygwin postgresql a number of times, manually so
I am sure I will be able to do the manual installation.
I just need to be able to get past the initdb failure
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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster