Re: FW: Multiple databases question - Mailing list pgsql-odbc

From Benjamin Scherrey
Subject Re: FW: Multiple databases question
Msg-id A73XMHWU05LK97D0T4ZPLESPFA73RM.3e4aca96@BONZO
Whole thread Raw
In response to FW: Multiple databases question  ("Jagaraj, Peter" <>)
List pgsql-odbc
You don't say what your client environment is but I would probably lean towards writing up a very
small python app/script rather than bothering with ODBC. Python has excellent support for both
PostgreSQL and Oracle connectivity - and it works under just about any environment.

    good luck,

        Ben Scherrey

2/7/2003 2:29:14 PM, "Jagaraj, Peter" <> wrote:
>  Here is the situation:
>  I have a bunch of tables in PostgreSQL. Our production db is Oracle running
>  on Unix. I would like to read records from PostgreSQL and insert them into
>  Oracle tables. Is there a simple way, say via PSQL or PL/SQL routine, to do
>  this?
>  Thanks

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