Re: Subquery error. Help please!! - Mailing list pgsql-sql

From Wei Weng
Subject Re: Subquery error. Help please!!
Msg-id 993739583.577.0.camel@Monet
Whole thread Raw
In response to Subquery error. Help please!!  ("kakerjak" <>)
List pgsql-sql
What version of postgresql are you using?

On 27 Jun 2001 17:09:14 -0400, kakerjak wrote:
> Hey all..
> Here's the table definition.
> CREATE TABLE "laboratory" (
>     "id" "int4" NOT NULL,
>     "subid" "int2" NOT NULL,
>     "name" varchar(30) NOT NULL,
>     CONSTRAINT "laboratory_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id", "subid"))
> The way this table works is that each lab has one ID. If any information is
> changed(there are actually more fields then what i showed, but they don't
> affect the problem) then the ID remains the same, but the SUBID gets
> incremented by 1. Thus, other tables linking to it just need to know the ID
> and then read the ID with the biggest SUBID to get the most recent record.
> Now, what I want to do is this. Create a list of all the laboratories using
> only the most recent record for each (the biggest SUBID for every unique
> ID).
> Here's my select statement.
> SELECT, b.subid,
>    FROM (SELECT, MAX(c.subid) AS subid FROM laboratory AS c GROUP BY
> id) AS a
>        INNER JOIN
>                 laboratory AS b
>        USING id, subid
> The subquery works on it's own and returns the desired ID, SUBID
> combinations.
> But when put into the other query I get parser errors.
> If the subquery is placed before the JOIN, like it is above, then the error
> i get says  'parse error at or near "select"'
> If i flip the subquery around with the laboratory table then i get 'parse
> error at or near "("'
> According to the documention online, it seems as if this statement should
> work.
> ( )
> Any help would be appreciated. TIA
> kakerjak
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Wei Weng
Network Software Engineer
KenCast Inc.

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