Thanks for the advice. I simple reran the rpm --rebuild command and,
for, some reason, it now works just fine. Very clean compiles for both
normal and --target=i686.
About the only thing different about my system from a purely stock
install of RH7.1 is that I used SGIs XFS installer. Perhaps there was
some lag on a buffere somewhere? My understanding of how XFS interacts
with other systems is dim at best.
On 16 Jun 2001 13:51:44 -0400, Trond Eivind Glomsrød wrote:
> Keith F Irwin <> writes:
> > make[3]: Leaving directory
> > `/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/postgresql-7.1.2/src/interfaces/libpgeasy'
> > make[3]: Entering directory
> > `/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/postgresql-7.1.2/src/interfaces/odbc'
> > gcc -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -O2
> > -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -fpic -I. -I../../../src/include -DHAVE_CONFIG_H
> > -DODBCINSTDIR='"/etc/pgsql"' -c -o info.o info.c
> >
> > Cannot allocate 3473903228 bytes after allocating 1767100 bytes
> > </quote>
> >
> > What does that allocate error mean?
> That somethings weird...
> > I've got 1/2 gig of Ram. Does it take more than that to compile?
> Take a look at what it's trying to allocate. I'm not sure what's
> happening, but something seems bad... have you installed another
> compiler, glibc, kernel or something similar? Or overclocked?
> It's known to be compiling, so I'm not sure why you're seeing thing problem.
> That said, you can download postgresql rpms for Red Hat Linux 7.1 from
> This is the above RPMs, with some more fixes Lamar and I haven't
> merged yet.
> --
> Trond Eivind Glomsrød
> Red Hat, Inc.
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