>----- Original Message -----
>From: Rob Richardson
>The issue is that ADO.Net's OdbcDataAdapter object automatically expands
>the table name "MyTable" into "MyDatabase.public.MyTable", and PostgreSQL
>handle that.
I think you'll find that it is not ADO.Net's OdbcDataAdapter that expands
the table name, but
the CommandBuilder - I use ADO Net's OdbcDataAdapter extensively without
but I write my own OdbcCommands.
>In PgAdmin, "insert into cycle (cycle) values ('Another cycle')" succeeds,
>but "insert into Anneal.public.cycle (cycle) values ('Another one')" fails
>the cross-database references not implemented error. The OdbcDataAdapter
>automatically converts a query of the first form into a query of the second
>form, and I want to know how to stop it from doing that.