I think you have to play with UNION:
select ... , project_date from tblprojects where title not in ( '[unknown]',
'pending' )
select ... , 'now'::datetime from tblprojects where title = '[unknown]'
select ... , 'now'::datetime from tblprojects where title = 'pending';
It'll be more elegant if you create a VIEW with this query, but
for the moment UNION is not available in VIEWs...
Hope it helps...
On Wed, 12 Aug 1998, you wrote:
>I have a table (tblprojects) that stores the current projects in our
>facility. I want to be able to have two of the records "[unknown]" and
>"pending" (the project titles) always return the current date- basically
>overwriting the date field stored in the table.
>I need this because I am sorting the projects in a 'combo box' (in MS
>Access) by dates, for example today, this week, last week, this month,
>last month, etc. But I want the "[unknown]" and "pending" projects to
>ALWAYS appear in the result of the query.
>Is this possible? Do I have to set the date field of the table to
>something like a function?
>Thanks in advance for any help!
>P.S. my date field is of type "datetime"
Dimitri KRAVTCHUK (dim) Sun Microsystems
Benchmark Engineer France