Re: Serious problem: media recovery fails after system or PostgreSQL crash - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From MauMau
Subject Re: Serious problem: media recovery fails after system or PostgreSQL crash
Msg-id 972E1E3640674093B1CF8C329D03F80F@maumau
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Serious problem: media recovery fails after system or PostgreSQL crash  (Tom Lane <>)
Responses Re: Serious problem: media recovery fails after system or PostgreSQL crash
List pgsql-hackers
From: "Tom Lane" <>
> Well, that's unfortunate, but it's not clear that automatic recovery is
> possible.  The only way out of it would be if an undamaged copy of the
> segment was in pg_xlog/ ... but if I recall the logic correctly, we'd
> not even be trying to fetch from the archive if we had a local copy.

No, PG will try to fetch the WAL file from pg_xlog when it cannot get it 
from archive.  XLogFileReadAnyTLI() does that.  Also, PG manual contains the 
following description:

WAL segments that cannot be found in the archive will be sought in pg_xlog/; 
this allows use of recent un-archived segments. However, segments that are 
available from the archive will be used in preference to files in pg_xlog/.

So, continuing recovery by changing the emode to LOG would work.  What do 
you think about this fix?

> I think having PG automatically destroy archive files is bordering on
> insane.

I agree.  Before that, PG cannot know the archive location, so PG cannot 
delete the partially filled archive files.


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