Hello all,
# I'm resending because some error occurred
I've overhauled the scaleout design wiki I presented at PGCon 2018
developer unconference and assembled the research of other DBMSs'
scale-out features.
Scaleout Design
I intentionally have put little conclusion on our specification and
design. I'd like you to look at recent distributed databases, and
then think about and discuss what we want to aim for together. I feel
it's better to separate a thread per topic or group of topics.
I'm sorry, but I'm not confident about the readability at all, because
I cannot draw figures due to my visual impairment, and the page is
full of text only.
What workload do you think we should focus on first, OLTP or
analytics? I think OLTP, because open source Postgres probably has
been so far getting popular with OLTP. Also, I don't expect many
people will use existing popular SaaS for data warehousing like Amazon
Redshift, Azure Synapse, Google BigQuery and Snowflake, rather than
build their analytics databases on public IaaS or on-premises.