>>>>> "Ned" == Ned Lilly <ned@greatbridge.com> writes:
Ned> The other databases tested against the AS3AP benchmarks, open
Ned> source competitors MySQL 3.22 and Interbase 6.0, demonstrated
Ned> some speed with a low number of users but a distinct lack of
Ned> scalability. MySQL reached a peak of 803.48 with two users,
Ned> but its performance fell precipitously under the stress of
Ned> additional users to a rate of 117.87 transactions per second
Ned> with 100 users. Similarly, Interbase reached 424 transactions
Ned> per second with four users, but its performance declined
Ned> steadily with additional users, dropping off to 146.86
Ned> transactions per second with 100 users.
It would have been more interesting if MySQL 3.23 had been tested as
this has reached what seems to be a fairly stable beta and seems to
perform some operations significantly faster than 3.22 and I believe
may scale somewhat better as well. Of course it may not be so
interesting for most PostgreSQL users :-)
Adrian Phillips
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