Try single quotes (') instead of double-quotes (").
On Thu, 23 Jun 2005 17:12:03 -0700, David Bear said:
> I guess I'm too stupid to see the error, but I don't understand why
> the following fails.
> insert into person3 (asuid, fname, lname, addedby, addedon,
> slopbucket) values ("123455", "name", "name", "entered", "12/12/
> 2004", NULL);
> ERROR: column "123455" does not exist
> is the double quote byting me?
> --
> David Bear
> phone: 480-965-8257
> fax: 480-965-9189
> College of Public Programs/ASU
> Wilson Hall 232
> Tempe, AZ 85287-0803
> "Beware the IP portfolio, everyone will be suspect of trespassing"
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)------------------------
> ---
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
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