Re: restoring from a dump - Mailing list pgsql-admin

From Burgholzer, Robert (DEQ)
Subject Re: restoring from a dump
Msg-id 77F5F8FA4B407F43BFCFD3FC347896913CC16D@COVMSGCES-MBX01
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: restoring from a dump  (CS DBA <>)
List pgsql-admin
The other quick item to consider is whether or not your database is on a *nix system or a windows machine, and if your
workstationis *nix or windows.   

1. Windows workstation / *nix DB Server: use putty.exe to ssh into the DB server (a second option would be to use
PGAdmin,a GUI db management package for PostgreSQL) 
2. Windows workstation / Windows DB Server: use and enter psql command line (may have to add "C:/Program
Files/PostgreSQLX.YY/bin"to your PATH).  Could also use PGAdmin in this case 
3. *nix client / *nix server: command line psql (ssh to server if not the same as your workstation)

From: [] on behalf of CS DBA
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2013 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] restoring from a dump

On 1/5/13 1:54 PM, J Rouse wrote:
> Stupid person here.  Just got PostgresSQL today.  Have text dump
> file.  Need to restore.
> I think I need to use psql, but do not even know how to get to it.
> Need exact instructions on where to enter the command line, setting up
> paths if necessary, etc.
> Jim
to restore from a text (sql) file:

1) ensure you have a target database:
- you might need to set your path, i.e. you need to know where psql is
- if you did an rpm / package install it's probably in /usr/bin

# connect to the cluster (database instance):
$ psql

# then create your target database:
postgres# create database my_target_db;

Then exit from psql (exit; or ctl-d)
postgres# exit;

2) import the sql text file

- cd to the directory where the text file is:
$ cd /home/postgres/Downloads

- Import the file
$ psql  -ef   ./import_file.sql   my_target_db

You could also point to the sql file without being in the directory:
$ psql  -ef   /home/postgres/Downloads/import_file.sql my_target_db

Note the -f is the psql flag to import (or run) a specified sql file
from the command line, the -e flag says to push all SQL statements as
well as normal output to STDOUT

See the psql command docs for more info here:

Hope this helps,


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From: CS DBA
Subject: Re: restoring from a dump
From: Jerome
Subject: my query is so slow,It costs 944,319.072 ms,Can someone Help!!