Re: Improve documentation regarding custom settings, placeholders, and the administrative functions - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Zhang Mingli
Subject Re: Improve documentation regarding custom settings, placeholders, and the administrative functions
Msg-id 6ffeeead-0b17-487d-860b-11cc8f18a3aa@Spark
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In response to Improve documentation regarding custom settings, placeholders, and the administrative functions  ("David G. Johnston" <>)
Responses Re: Improve documentation regarding custom settings, placeholders, and the administrative functions
List pgsql-hackers
On Oct 20, 2024 at 04:12 +0800, David G. Johnston <>, wrote:

Mostly I'm pointing out the fact that one can never take the null value to be the actual value of a setting.  In terms of current_setting this then establishes the fact that the null value it may return is an error-handling alternative only and not something to be relied upon as being an actual value of the setting.

-        Returns the current value of the+        Returns the current non-null value of the         setting <parameter>setting_name</parameter>.  If there is no such         setting, <function>current_setting</function> throws an error         unless <parameter>missing_ok</parameter> is supplied and


current_setting() could return NULL when missing_ok is passed, so is it right to say: Returns the current non-null value of the setting <parameter>setting_name</parameter>?
As the doc is for function of current_setting(), and it could return NULL actually.

gpadmin=# \pset null NULL
Null display is "NULL".
gpadmin=# select current_setting('pg_xmen', true);
(1 row)

Zhang Mingli

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From: Nisha Moond
Subject: Re: Introduce XID age and inactive timeout based replication slot invalidation
From: "David G. Johnston"
Subject: Re: Improve documentation regarding custom settings, placeholders, and the administrative functions