Looking for Good and Easy-to-use Reporting Tool - Mailing list pgsql-admin

From Su, Alan
Subject Looking for Good and Easy-to-use Reporting Tool
Msg-id 6D57E1346C2DA044BE093CDCF4B53E3C01052A3391@e6
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In response to Re: How to view the code of a function  (Ashish Karalkar <ashish.karalkar@netcore.co.in>)
Responses Re: Looking for Good and Easy-to-use Reporting Tool
List pgsql-admin

Can anyone recommend a good, easy to ease and inexpensive reporting tool for accessing and manipulating Postgre database/table? The key features I am looking for with this tool are as follows:


  • Require less programming effort. I am trying to stay away from having to write sophisticate programming language, such as Java or .Net
  • Allow to bundle SQL commands in store procedure like style.
  • Allow to evaluate conditions of SQL result set and trigger alert email based on preset threshold.





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