>> On 12/1/22 09:24, Dominique Devienne wrote:
>> > I guess is a DBA-versus-Developer point-of-view difference. --DD
>> What this points to is that there are multiple ways to handle this, many
>> external to the server itself. My take is that the system catalogs are
>> there for the proper operation of the server and that is their task,
>> first and foremost. If you can piggyback of that then great, but with
>> the knowledge that the information may change to meet the needs of the
>> server not external users.
>I see. Still, Oracle preserves SQL as-is. SQLite preserve SQL as-is.
>Would be nice if PostgreSQL did too. That's all I'm saying.
So do InterBase, Firebird, SQL Server, MySQL (except for Views, strangely
MariaDB, NexusDB, SQL Anywhere, and, frankly, all others I know of.
And this is used all the time by database developers.
And at least InterBase and Firebird -also- stored a 'parsed version' (in
With regards,
Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions
Database Workbench - developer tool for Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL,
MySQL, InterBase, NexusDB and Firebird.