Re: Windowing Function Patch Review -> Standard Conformance - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From David Rowley
Subject Re: Windowing Function Patch Review -> Standard Conformance
Msg-id 6574A40A0FA14E3D8D1A6AADEBF74179@amd64
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In response to Re: Windowing Function Patch Review -> Standard Conformance  (Tom Lane <>)
Responses Re: Windowing Function Patch Review -> Standard Conformance
Re: Windowing Function Patch Review -> Standard Conformance
List pgsql-hackers
Tom Lane Wrote:
> I've spent quite a bit of time reviewing the window functions patch,
> and I think it is now ready to commit, other than the documentation
> (which I've not looked at yet at all).  Attached is my current patch
> against HEAD, sans documentation.  This incorporates the recently
> discussed aggregate-function API changes and support for tuplestore
> trimming.  There's a number of things that could be improved yet:
>     * we really ought to have some support for non-built-in
>       window functions
>     * I think the planner could be a bit smarter about when to
>       sort or not
>     * tuplestore_advance and related code really needs to be made
>       more efficient; it didn't matter much before but it does now
> but I think these things can be worked on after the core patch is
> committed.
>             regards, tom lane

I've started running my test queries that I used when reviewing the patch.
The following crashes the backend:

CREATE TABLE billofmaterials ( parentpart VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, childpart VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, quantity FLOAT NOT
NULL,CHECK(quantity > 0), PRIMARY KEY(parentpart, childpart) 

INSERT INTO billofmaterials VALUES('KITCHEN','TABLE',1);
INSERT INTO billofmaterials VALUES('TABLE','CHAIR',4);
INSERT INTO billofmaterials VALUES('CHAIR','LEG',4);

WITH RECURSIVE bom AS ( SELECT parentpart,childpart,quantity,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY
parentpart DESC) rn FROM billofmaterials WHERE parentpart = 'KITCHEN' UNION ALL SELECT
b.parentpart,b.childpart,b.quantity,ROW_NUMBER()OVER (ORDER BY 
parentpart ASC) rn FROM billofmaterials b INNER JOIN bom ON b.parentpart = bom.childpart
SELECT * from bom;

It seems not to like recursively calling row_number(). It does not crash if
I replace the 2nd row_number() with the constant 1

I compared everything to Oracle again and found no differences in results.
These tests test all window functions in some way or another. I compared all
results to Oracle 10g results apart from the queries that have NTH_VALUE as
this is not implemented by Oracle 10g. Also seems like NTH_VALUE is not
implemented by DB2 9.5 either. Anyone know of any database that does have


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