Thanks guy's - I'll try it.
Michael Hornick
Insurance Systems Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Magnus Hagander []=20
Sent: September 11, 2004 11:43 AM
To: Bruce Momjian
Cc: Mike Hornick;
Subject: SV: [BUGS] 8.0 beta service won't start
>> This is almost certainly the "pid file does nto go away"=20
>issue. Manually remove the .pid file in the data directory,=20
>and start the service.
>> I beleive this bug is fixed in beta-2.=20
>I think we fixed that after beta2.
Oh, that might be so.
Then let me rephrase - it's fixed in the MSI installers released after
beta-2, because we waited for a couple of specific fixes before we made
those (that's why they were aclled beta2-dev1 etc, and not plain beta-2)