> Quoting btober@seaworthysys.com:
>> Is there any kind of mechanism in pg 7.3 for doing something like
>> what I would describe as a "login trigger" procedure to run
>> when a user connects to the database?
> Berend,
> I've got something like that setup on an e-communities site I built.
> There was already a "last action" query/report I had so what I have
> setup on as part of the database nightly vacuum is to first delete any
> account that did not have any actions for over a year. You don't need
> to do a trigger to do that. You just need to make a cron job that run
> at whatever is an acceptable interval.
> --
> Keith C. Perry, MS E.E.
That sounds somewhat interesting, and I understand the crontab approach,
but the key to your methods is that "last action" thing. I can see how I
might get a date from some table that has an column value that gets
assigned the current date after insert or update (using DEFAULT or a
trigger), but what if the user's access is read-only, i.e., they perform
only SELECT operations? How could I catch that?
~Berend Tober