At 01:05 27/03/2012, Tim Uckun wrote:
>Is there a way to backup a database or a cluster though a database
>connection? I mean I want to write some code that connects to the
>database remotely and then issues a backup command like it would issue
>any other SQL command. I realize the backups would need to reside on
>the database server.
You can use a stored procedure with this pl , like this:
CREATE FUNCTION dump_db(text, text) RETURNS text AS '
pg_dump $1 > $2
' LANGUAGE plsh;
Note that you must CREATE LANGUAGE first, $1 is db_name, $2 is file
name and check for write permissions of $2. Be careful and check your
security because any shell script will run as postgres user. Don't
know if it works with 9.x+ versions of postgres.